Starting a Running Blog
I will preface this as short as I can. I am a person who likes to write but does not like to write in a lot of words. So if you come here looking for a book about my running experience I am sorry to disappoint you. I got this idea from Tucker Horan, a former Cornell College athlete, who was not my teammate but still am friends with him on Facebook. Would post from this cite about being a “hobby jogger” and I always thought it was cool but I did not think that I could handle it with being in school and the stress that comes with that. But this past week one of my teammates Morgan Barnard started her own and I thought to myself, I can do this. So I am going to try to make this a rhythm in my life so when summer comes I can have extra motivation to do those 14–16 mile days in the middle of July. The format will be pretty simple, I will put a short preface for the week. I will say what I did in terms of running (Miles and Times) then talk about the day and possibly other things in life briefly. I hope that y’all enjoy it.
10:30 AM 5 Miles in 38:42
3:30 PM 8 Miles in 58:24+ 8x100 meter strides
Ugh Monday why do you exist. Monday is my hardest day to get out of the door and complete my morning double because I have Monday Morning Prayer at 7:30 on these days. Well today I overslept both of those things. After morning class I got out and ran my longest double run ever. I felt smooth and in control. I like that I am starting to get my mileage up. It will help me be successful in May when I run the 10k at Conference. My second run was chill, it was nice to get recovery in. Going down Bud Rd (a huge downhill in the middle of the country) I got chased by a dog. I have always had super bad luck when it comes to dogs and running. My time at community college my freshman year after cross country most of the team quit and I was the only guy who was running, except for an injured athlete. At least once every two weeks I would get chased by a dog. It was good because it helped me run faster but it got old eventually. Today was a good training day. Got 14 miles in and feel relatively fresh for Wednesday’s 5k.
7:30 AM 4 in 32:00
3:30 PM 6 in 44:10+4x100 meter strides
This mornings run was good, I like running doubles with the team. It just is a time for great conversation of a lack thereof and we just slowly jog the route. The first half of the run today was a bit quiet. But on the second half a long sprinter, Ethan, started talking about these ridiculously fast people that he knew. And it got me thinking if I continue to work hard someday someone will be talking about me on one of these runs. As for the run itself it was good the first half was pretty slow but we slowly got faster. I recently started to run 4–5 miles on these runs instead of 3 which allows me to run more during the week. This afternoons run was good, I felt really smooth throughout. Thinking about tomorrow and the race I thought I would share my thoughts in a blog-type way. Here is my probable failed attempt. Since my freshman year I have always gone into races with confidence. I know that the training I do will work and that I will see the benefits of that tomorrow. But today I feel different. I know that I can do well and I know I have done the work to break 16 minutes. As well as get a haircut (made a friendly bet with some teammates and close friends). But I am fresh I am ready to roll and I have a good opportunity tomorrow to start accomplishing my goals.
I hate it when I am sick especially when I have a big meet on the day of. And I am in the middle of my season. Hopefully I do not lose to many days of running to this stomach flu.
Feeling better but not well enough to run, hopefully I can get 2 to 4 miles in tomorrow. I hate it when I miss training. Whether it be to injury or sickness. But I know I will be back in a good place soon and I will be able to break 16 minutes in the 5k next Saturday in front of my friends and family at the home meet.
2:30 PM 4 in 28:22
Today was a good day, got back on my feet and back to running. Stomach still felt a bit off but I am glad that I got to run. Going to crush this workout tomorrow morning
7:30 AM 2 mile warm up 2xMile @ 5:37
Today I was supposed to do a two mile warm up four by cruise mile and a two mile cool down. Warm up felt great but something felt a little off in my body nutrition wise, which is normal for me. First rep was great I hit the time I was supposed to hit and everything felt super smooth and easy. The end of the second one however my arms began to go numb and my stomach started to hurt. Since I am coming off of the stomach flu I figured it would be a good idea to cut today short take tomorrow off and come back stronger next week.
Will be off
Hope y’all enjoyed reading through my week, even if it was a sick one. I hope that I get a lot out of writing this blog and trying to better myself as a runner but more importantly a human being.