Road To Nationals- Starting slowly

Gabe Esser
4 min readJul 2, 2018

Hey everyone, another week of blogging from this guy. Today my tool and massage therapy set came to help me combat my plantar faciticis. So hopefully it will continue to improve and I can start to run a bit again. This week will not be filled with much content but I will write as much as I can.



Took today off because I want another day off my foot so I can continue to heal. Also I couldn’t pick up my therapy stuff for my foot so I will get it first thing tomorrow morning so I can work on my foot and try to run 3 miles. Hoping that it goes well!


10:17 A.M. 3 Miles in 21:37

Ah, sweet relief, running again is amazing! I feel like I am really back to my healthiest I have been since the end of track season. I am writing this while I am rolling the bottom of my foot. It is for sure feeling the best that it has, but having tools to treat it makes me feel a lot better going through training! Run felt smooth today, and to be honest I feel like I have gained a bit of weight the past couple weeks. So hopefully these short runs I can lose some of that fat and get my foot better. Till tomorrow I will recover the best I can and continue to get better.


10:26 A.M. 3 Miles in 20:31

Today was a bit speedy but I didn’t feel my foot at all, which is a great sign. Tomorrow I may go to Sac and Fox and do my last three mile run before I bump it up to four miles. I am glad that I am starting to get healthy again and feeling like myself. Now I have to make sure that I stay healthy, recovery well, and not get sick for the rest of the summer. See y’all tomorrow!

Life news from today, so some of you may know that my girlfriend is moving to Fort Collins this August to gain residency in Colorado so she can get in state tuition at Colorado State University. And she has been looking for housing for a while now! She applied to an apartment last night and today she found out that she was accepted! I am so glad that this stress is off of her and me as well. As much as I should not stress about things that don’t directly impact me, I am very glad that Jo found a place to live so she can start her sucessful career! :) Love you babe :D


2:49 P.M. 3 Miles in 21:51

Another solid run in the books. Since I am ahead on work hours this week I though I would go to one of my favorite trails in the area which is Sac and Fox trail :) I love this trail because it is very flat and it looks so pretty with all of the scenery this time of year. I love runs that aren’t just running through Mount Vernon or on the country roads around the town. I love different places and exploring them. Run felt good foot feels great, looking forward to going on my first four mile run tomorrow since being hurt!


9:08 P.M. 4 Miles in 28:41

Today was a good run, it was really hot throughout the day and I was pretty grim about going on my run. Reason being is because I went on three tours today and it was just so hot. But the run was good the four miles felt great and my foot never really hurts during my runs just usually after I rest it for a bit. But it is still steadily improving!


5:27 P.M. 4 Miles in 28:10

That was incredibly stupid of me to do. That was the most miserable run of my life. The pace was not bad at all I felt like I could do it for hours! But just the sheer heat really put me in a loop. Should have waited a bit longer to go and do my run. But on the plus side it did make me more acculmated with the heat. I will get up early and run tomorrow. I do NOT want to go through what I just did again.


8:18 P.M. 4 Miles in 27:46

I did not wake up early, instead I waited till late to run. Today I ran a bit on the track but also ran on the roads a small bit. The foot feels good and I finally have a week of running underneath my belt which I am really pleased with. Closed the last mile a little fast today and that’s okay. Looking forward to killing it next week and making sure I stay recovered.

Solid week, looking forward to another one of being healthy and start to build that mileage base I will need to help send the team to nationals this year and go out with new Personal Records on the track :) Till next week!


