Road to Nationals-Little things

Gabe Esser
4 min readAug 13, 2018


Hey y’all sorry I missed this week. Monday was a good day of running, but I smacked my knee on my desk and may have had some internal brusing. After doing that I took the rest of last week off. I should be back to full strength this week. This week is entitled little things because we are getting closer to camp and I need to start eating, sleeping, and training smarter. Hopefully this week is the best one yet because first practice is coming up very soon. Enjoy the blog this week and I am sorry for missing last week.



Decided to take today off. I had to do a lot of driving and was really sore and tight. And on top of that I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends. I won’t see Joanna most likely until Christmas. It will be hard but I will get through it, babe if you are reading this I love and adore you :)


7:14 A.M. 1 Mile in 7:25

Ran a mile this morning to test out how the knee feels. It is better. I was planning on running 7 miles with a dude from Simpson tonight on Sac and Fox, but I may have to tone it down to 4 or 5. I will see how I feel but to run just a little bit gives me a lot of confidence :)

5:06 P.M. 7 Miles in 50:13

Today was an awesome day, as I said before I ran with a kid named Levi from Simpson. It was awesome talking about running and the upcoming year with him. We also talked about the past. Thanks for the run dude I appricate it! Anyway to dive more deeply into a different subject. The running community is the best! Does not matter where or who you run with. Running is universal. I am so glad to be good at the sport because it has given me so many awesome memories, teammates, and most importantly friends. I am sad that this season will be my last competitive season with a team. But running is something that you can do long after putting on a jersey for a school. So I plan on taking full advantage of that opportunity.


6:20 P.M. 2 Mile Warm up

3 mile fartlek

1 Mile Cool Down

Today was a good day, I did not know if I wanted to do a workout or not this week but I am sure glad I did. All the hard segments of the workout were good and the recovery was not slacking. I am in better shape than I thought and that is a good sign for this fall.


6:12 P.M. 6 Miles in 41:37

Today was a good day of running. Little bit sore from the workout yesterday but that is to be expected. Today I went a little faster than I wanted to but it was still good. I am still just waiting for my teammates to get here soon. I am really excited and am pumped to continue to train at a high level!


6:12 P.M.

3 Mile Warm up

5 Mile Farlek

1 Mile Cool Down

Today was another good workout day. I am pretty excited for next Friday because in one week all of my closest friends will be here and I am hyped. But anyway, the workout today was solid. I did a fartlek and I accomplished the goal I had was to get 5 miles of work in under 6 minute pace and I did that. Proud of my effort today and I think if I stay healthy and do all the right things I will put myself in a really good position to start off the year.


8:28 A.M. 3 Miles in 22:46

Got three miles in this morning. Wish I would have been able to run on monday, but I just could not muster up the courage to. Today I am going on a leaders retreat so I am not sure if I will get a second run in or not. But all in all I am happy with this week and how it has gone.


6:18 A.M. 10 Miles in 1:07:00

Today was dope. I got to run with a couple of my teammates Cuyler Gabriel and Evan Mills. We ran on some country roads outside of the camp that we were at for Salt leaders retreat. Running with people makes it a whole lot easier and makes me a lot more motivated to run fast. Overall it was a good week. Not the volume that I would have enjoyed but other than that it was a good last full week going into pre-season. Love you all, see you next week.




Gabe Esser
Gabe Esser

Written by Gabe Esser

Just a dude, following Jesus.

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