When driving, I do not always have the best attitude towards other people. Especially when I am trying to merge or get to a destination on time. That being said I have a really hard time not getting what I want.
Something that I find interesting is the culture that we are in is this idea of immediate graficiation. We see something that we want and we put that to the top of our thought life and if we do not receive it in a comfortable amount of time, we give up.
My finite thoughts about gratification do not measure up to what an infinite God says about gratification in his inspired Word. In my Bible reading plan currently I have started the book of Mark. One word in the first chapter specifically caught my eye.
From Jesus’ Baptism, calling his first disciples, and the start of his ministry the word is used in the chapter nine times. I do not think it was on accident at all. Seeing the ability that Jesus had to compel people to follow Him at all cost is astounding. While talking to Joanna about this on Saturday I was talking about this idea and connecting it to a sense of urgency. She however (is much smarter than me) said that it more so looks at the power that Jesus held, I would tend to agree with her.
Connecting this idea back to the present day gratification suggests that if Jesus lived right now he could have all of that gratification. He has the power and ability to bring people to immediate action, but not the desire to. Christ would rather wait patiently and see the Father’s will come to fruition.